Piece Search


After mail pieces are submitted to the USPS, they will appear on the Piece Search page. Here, you can view mail piece details, up-to-date tracking information, and banner pages. You can also view POAs (proof of acceptance) and PODs (proof of delivery) as they become available. Use the advanced search features to refine your search and view only the mail pieces you’re looking for.

Explore Features

View mail pieces

Search: You can search for a mail piece by tracking number, recipient name/address, custom fields, username, job ID, and date range.

  • Advanced Search: Refine your search further with advanced search options. To see how to view only pieces with a Delivered status and POD, click here.

View tracking information.

Adjust POA and POD email notification settings.

View the banner page, Piece Info Report, acceptance scan (POA), Original POD, or Enhanced POD.

View the Enhanced POD.

View piece information on the USPS website.

Original POD: Includes standard POD information

Enhanced POD: In addition to standard POD information, the Enhanced POD includes the Piece Info Report and more extensive information about the mail piece. You can customize the information that appears on the Enhanced POD in your Company settings.

Note: The USPS transmits proof of delivery (POD) files to ConnectSuite in several batches each Monday between 00:00-23:59. Note that ConnectSuite processes the PODs as the USPS makes them available, and it may take up to 24 hours to complete POD processing, make it available in e-Certify, and, if applicable, email it to you. In the event a POD is not available in e-Certify by the start of business Tuesday morning the week following the first Monday the POD was expected, please contact support for further investigation.

Column details

Tracking Number: Piece tracking number. This column also includes the class of mail and the services that were selected for the piece.

Recipient: Recipient name and address


  • Submitted: The mail piece has been submitted to the USPS.
  • Delivered: The mail piece has received a delivered scan from the USPS.
  • Return To Sender: The mail piece has been returned to the sender.
  • Signature Received: ConnectSuite has received the electronic return receipt from the USPS.
  • POD Viewed: The POD has been viewed by a user in e-Certify.
  • POD Downloaded: The POD has been downloaded via ConnectSuite Automate.

Custom: Custom fields associated with the piece will appear here. Additionally, if the piece has been delivered, you will see recipient information next to Received By.

  • If recipient information is not auto-populated after a delivered event, you will see the message NO DATA PROVIDED – CLICK TO SET. You can click this message to enter recipient information manually.

User/Profile: The username of the user that submitted the piece to the USPS and the name of the mailing profile that was used to create the piece

Location/Department: The location/department the mail piece has been assigned to. Learn more about assigning a mail piece to a location/department during Mail Piece Creation.

Job ID: You can click the job ID to view the job details on the Jobs/History page.

Created Date: Date the mail piece was submitted to the USPS

Video Tutorials

How to search and track mail pieces (5:16)

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