e-Certify / Help Center / Jobs/History
Every time you submit mail pieces to the USPS from the Mail Queue, a new job with a unique job ID is created. Mail pieces that are submitted at the same time become part of the same job unless those pieces have multiple drop ZIP Codes. A complete PS Form 3877 (Firm Mailing Book for Accountable Mail) and PS Form 5630 (SCAN Form) is associated with every job.
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View jobs
Search: You can search for a job by job ID, EFN (Electronic File Number), drop ZIP Code, username, and date range.
- Advanced Search: Filter your search by job status.
- Only Show My Jobs: View only the jobs you submitted to the USPS.

View the mail pieces included in a job. This will take you to the Piece Search page with a job filter applied.

View job details.

Add custom fields to a job.

View the Error/Warn Report and USPS paperwork associated with the job.
Error/Warn Report: A successfully submitted job will return an Error/Warn Report and will be accompanied by a status of Accepted, Warnings, or Rejected. Learn more about the Error/Warn Report below.
Postal Reports: This document includes PS Form 3877 and PS Form 5630.
PS Form 3877 (Firm Mailing Book for Accountable Mail): This form manifests all mail pieces in the job and provides proof of mailing when presented to the USPS and stamped with a round-dated stamp in the top right corner of the first page.
PS Form 5630 (SCAN Form): This form links all the pieces in the job to one barcode and EFN. When presenting mail pieces to the USPS with PS Form 5630, the postal employee will scan the EFN, and every piece in the shipment will receive an acceptance event, providing proof of mailing for all pieces.

Column details
Job ID: Unique ConnectSuite job ID used for reference and troubleshooting
EFN (Electronic File Number): Represents all mail pieces in the job/manifest. Note that the EFN is not a tracking number. It represents all tracking numbers that are included in a job on PS Form 5630.
Submitted/Piece Count: Quantity of pieces included in the job. You can click on the piece count to view any errors that might have occurred.
Drop ZIP Code: This is the ZIP Code of the post office where all the pieces in the job will be dropped. The drop ZIP Code for a piece is configured within the mailing profile. Note that when mail pieces with multiple drop ZIP Codes are submitted to the USPS at the same time, separate jobs will be created for each drop ZIP Code.
User: The username of the user that submitted the job to the USPS
Status: Jobs will go through several statuses after submission to the USPS. You can click the status to view the Error/Warn Report.
- Ready: Your job is being prepared to be sent to the USPS. If this status persists, a new job may need to be created.
- Not Ready: Your job is not ready to process. If this status persists, a new job may need to be created.
- Sent To USPS: Your job has been successfully submitted to the USPS. It may take up to 90 minutes for the Error/Warn Report to be returned, and, depending on the USPS job backlog, it could take longer.
- Processing: Your job is currently being processed.
- Accepted: Your job has been accepted by the USPS, and the mail pieces in it are ready to be placed in the mail stream.
- Warnings: Your job has been accepted by the USPS with warnings. Review warnings in the Error/Warn Report and correct them if needed before placing the pieces in the mail stream.
- Rejected: Your job has been rejected by the USPS, and the pieces in it should not be placed in the mail stream. Review the Error/Warn Report for more details on the job rejection.
- Cancelled: Your job was cancelled prior to submission to the USPS and a new job must be created.
- Complete
Created Date: Date the job was submitted to the USPS

Error/Warn Report
Shipping Services File (SSF) Data
- Mailer ID: Mailer ID (MID) of the user that submitted the SSF
- E-File: Used for USPS purposes
- Receipt Date: Date SSF was received by the USPS
- Receipt Time: Time SSF was received by the USPS
- Entry Facility: Drop ZIP Code as configured within the mailing profile
- Mailing Date: Date SSF was received by the USPS
- Records Read: Total number of records in the SSF
- Records Rejected: Total number of records rejected
- Total Records Accepted: Total number of records accepted
- D1 Records Accepted: Every mail piece has one associated D1 record
- D2 Records Accepted: Every mail piece has one associated D2 record
- Err/Warn: W = Warning, R = Rejected
- Line No: Line in SSF where error or warning was detected
- PIC: Machine readable barcode
- Message: See the Confirmation/Error/Warning Message List starting on page 273 of PUB199 for more detailed information on error/warn messages.